A Necessary Step Toward Renewable Energy: Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Oil and gas are not tenable resources, and renewable energy is becoming more and more needed.

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is not a fossil fuel and has a low environmental impact. Common examples of renewable energy include solar power (solar panels, solar lighting, etc.), wind power (turbines), tidal power (harnessing of energy from tidal waves), and geothermal energy (energy created and stored in the Earth).

How is curtailing carbon dioxide emissions helpful to the environment?

According to the National Aeronauts and Space Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2019 was the second warmest year on record in their tracking of world temperatures. This can be attributed to accumulated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including CO2.

What is being done to reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy?

Tech giant Microsoft is investing $1 billion as a part of its widespread climate commitment. It is planning to eliminate all produced emissions by 2050. Similarly, Nestlé made the decision to reduce its plastic made by fossil fuels by ⅓ withing five years. Hopefully, Microsoft and Nestlé’s eco-friendly approach will inspire other corporations to take similar action to reduce CO2 emissions and promote renewable energy.

The science behind reducing CO2 emissions:

Microsoft’s approach to removing carbon emissions entails the absorption of CO2, storing the CO2 in the soil or a biosphere, and purchasing offsets, which finance carbon absorption projects.

As oil and gas are being discovered to be limited and environmentally harmful resources, we need to turn to renewable alternatives and work to curtail dangerous carbon emissions


Tilley, Aaron, and Russell Gold. Microsoft Raises Stakes in Corporate Climate-Pledge Race. , 2020. sirsissuesresearcher, explore.proquest.com/sirsissuesresearcher/document/2341849957?accountid=66339.

Frewin, Chris. “Renewable Energy.” Student Energy, www.studentenergy.org/topics/renewable-energy.

“Microsoft Announces It Will Be Carbon Negative by 2030.” News.Microsoft, 16 Jan. 2020, news.microsoft.com/2020/01/16/microsoft-announces-it-will-be-carbon-negative-by-2030/.

Olivia Swords

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