Tips for a More Sustainable Summer

Tips for a More Sustainable Summer

During the past few months, you were probably daydreaming about your summer plans, or you could be thinking about lying in your bed with the air conditioner on. Well, it’s officially summer now––a perfect time to relax and unwind (while staying green)!  Here’s some sustainability advice for you during the summer: 

  • Volunteer to help the environment. 

There are plenty of environmental volunteering opportunities during the summer. You can play your part in helping the planet by installing solar panels, planting trees, picking up trash from the oceans and parks, etc. Plenty of nonprofits could also use help during the summer––join their cause in environmental policies, water issues, international developments, and more. 

  • Drink with a reusable bottle. 

During hot summer days, drinking water is a must to stay hydrated. Instead of using a disposable water bottle, get a reusable one instead to quench your thirst. 

  • Choose your sunscreen wisely.

If you spend a significant amount of time out in the sun, you’re probably applying sunscreen constantly to protect your skin. However, many sunscreens contain chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate, which, based on a 2008 study by the Environmental Health Perspectives, contributes to the rapid or complete bleaching of hard corals. Petrolatum, aka mineral oil, and Titanium Dioxide are also common chemicals in sunscreen known to be harmful to marine life. 

When buying sunscreen this summer, choose something that can help both you and the environment. You can find a list of reef-free sunscreen here:

  • Wear a pair of sustainable sunglasses. 

Plastic is frequently used in the production of sunglasses. However, there are more sustainable, eco-friendly sunglasses made from materials like wood and recycled plastic. You can find the environmental-friendly sunglasses here:

  • Dry your laundry outside

Instead of using machines, take advantage of the warm weather by drying your laundry outside on a clothesline. Besides saving energy, it’ll save you money as well. 


“Five Tips For A More Sustainable Summer.” Office of Sustainability, 18 June 


Lo, Jasper. “5 Easy Ways to Make This Your Most Sustainable Summer Ever.” 

     Global Citizen, 20 July 2018, 


Mansfield, Carolyn. “21 Places to Look for Green Volunteering Opportunities.” 

     GreenBiz, 14 May 2009, 


Grace Zhang

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